December 7, 2024, 8:19 am | Read time: 2 minutes
Apple CEO Tim Cook has spoken about smartphones and their use in an interview. His statements are surprising.
For a multi-billion dollar company like Apple, it’s all about sales and profits. With this in mind, the best possible sales of products such as iPhones, iPads, and others, as well as their active use, are at the top of the agenda. Against this backdrop, new statements from CEO Tim Cook on smartphones are likely to come as a surprise. He is “concerned” about their use.
Tim Cook on Smartphones: “We Look at Our Cell Phones Too Much”
The Apple CEO recently gave an extensive interview to the US magazine Wired. It naturally covered topics such as artificial intelligence and the new generation of iPhones. However, the influence of the iPhone and smartphones in general on society also came up in the interview.
When asked whether the devices distract people more easily and ruin their ability to concentrate, Tim Cook gave an unexpected answer about smartphones: “I’m worried about people scrolling endlessly.” His fundamental belief is that if you spend more time looking at your phone than at another person’s eyes, then that’s a problem.
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Studies Support Cook’s Statements
Tim Cook’s stance on smartphones and their widespread use is shared by many, including in research. For example, a study from 2022 came to the conclusion that time spent on our cell phones is directly linked to our well-being. According to experts, less smartphone use actually makes us happier. The perceived quality of conversation also increases when the smartphone is put away. The same applies to the ability to concentrate on the other person.
The fact that it is difficult to tear yourself away from the screen is intentional.
Incidentally, companies are also following this growing awareness. Many manufacturers and developers, including Apple, now offer various functions to avoid too much screen time.